Experiential Raja Yoga Retreat

with Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500

November 1 - 3, 2024

Date and Time Details: Check-in: 3–5 pm
Check-out: 2 pm
*Photo ID (Drivers License or Passport) is required at Check-in for all Guests

Financial Aid: Financial Aid is available.
Financial Aid Application
Equity Discount
Equity Discount Application
Equity Discount and Financial Aid are limited and granted on a first come first served basis. If there aren't any Discount/ financial aid spots available, we will let you know of the availability in similar programs.

  • Shared Dormitory: Bottom Bunk – $775.00
  • Private Dormitory – $775.00
  • LGH: Full Bed – $775.00
  • LGH: 2 Twin beds – $775.00
  • LGH: Queen Bed – $775.00
  • (All prices include $775.00 base amount)

Life is an opportunity to grow in awareness and compassion, to unfold one’s potential, and to find true fulfillment and happiness. Raja Yoga provides a clear guidebook for this journey. It offers a pathway to liberation—to freedom from all suffering, sorrow, fear and delusion. It teaches us how to maintain our balance during challenging times and, ultimately, how to realize the supreme peace and joy that is our true nature. We will be guided by The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the classical text on Raja Yoga.

Our focus in this retreat will be threefold:

  1. Exploring the nature of the mind
  2. Understanding how our attachments limit us and how Yoga practice can free us
  3. Examining obstacles on the path and how we can overcome them

There will be daily sessions for meditation, Hatha Yoga and pranayama. Guided spiritual exercises will help you gain insight about your personal journey. You will emerge with a plan to go deeper in your practice and incorporate what you have learned in your daily life. Join us for a weekend of discovery, sharing and support, as we immerse ourselves in the Royal Path of Raja Yoga.

Training Information


Swami Karunananda has the ability to make the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali accessible to everyone. She skillfully repeats the concepts many times, so everyone is able to understand and remember them. She uses her personal stories and analogies, which make her lectures so inspiring. Thank you. — Bhakti Cinzia Parma

Excellent! Life transforming! — Muktadevi Rhonda Banner

Sri Swami Karunananda is amazing! I always looked forward to her raja yoga talks. She is so much fun to be with! She made all her talks very interesting and engaging. She is compassionate, joyful, fully present, wise, loving, and very colorful! Her stories were told with lots of enthusiasm and passion and I absolutely loved being with her. When I drove long distances from Va. to NJ. I felt like I had an angel accompanying me, and I felt a beautiful heart connection with Swamiji! Thank you Swamiji for your great love, devotion, dedication and discipline and for inspiring me to live Raja Yoga and to be the hands and feet of Sri Swami Satchidananda. — Muktadevi Rhonda Banner

Swami Karunananda is infinitely wise, inspiring, and compassionate (she lives up to her name!). I especially enjoyed the personal /reflective exercises she gave us. A master storyteller and teacher. Jai! — Leila Hegazy

It was a very transformative experience! This course gave all of us practical ways to live Yoga in everyday life, and showed us how to impart these teachings onto our students. This was so much more than a teacher training. Thank you! — Leila Hegazy

About the Presenter

Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500

Swami Karunananda has had 50 years’ experience teaching all aspects of Yoga. She designed and conducts teacher training programs in Raja Yoga and in Meditation. She served as president of Satchidananda Ashram in California and in Virginia, and as director of the San Francisco and Santa Barbara Integral Yoga Institutes. She compiled and edited The […]

Learn more about Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500

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