M. Mala Cunningham, Ph.D., C-IAYT
Mala Cunningham is a counseling psychologist and certified Yoga therapist in Charlottesville, VA. She is an assistant professor at the University of Virginia (UVA) School of Nursing where she teaches courses in Foundations of Medical Yoga for Health Professionals. Dr. Cunningham is also the co-director of Medical Yoga at UVA where she has developed and teaches continuing education courses in Medical Yoga for physicians and healthcare workers offered through the UVA Professional Development office. She is also the president of Positive Health Solutions and is the founder and director of Hospital Bed Yoga and the Cardiac Medical Yoga Teacher Training Program.
Dr. Cunningham specializes in Neuroscience, Yoga Psychology, Cardiac and Medical Yoga, and mindfulness. She is an Integral Yoga Minister and a senior disciple of Swami Satchidananda. She has been practicing and teaching Yoga for over 35 years. She is also the author of Medical Yoga: A Gentle and Modified Practice of Yoga for Assistance in Healing; and produced several CDs entitled Healing Journey, and Before and After Surgery: Guided Imagery & Relaxation for Surgery Patients.
See more at cardiacyoga.com
Upcoming Programs by M. Mala Cunningham, Ph.D., C-IAYT

The Neuroscience of Yoga: A Pathway for Healing
Research has shown that yoga and meditation practices enhance mood regulation, emotional resiliency, and mental and physical health. This exciting workshop will focus on a foundational understanding of how and why yoga works viewed through the lens of neuroscience. Understanding how the yoga practices impact our neural platforms and our neurobiology allows us to have […]