Jacy Sundlie, TRE Trainer, LSW, CCA

Jacy has been involved with TRE since 2008. She has been a certification trainer since 2010 and helped develop the first TRE certification program. As a licensed social worker, registered Yoga instructor, massage therapist, life coach, and reiki master, Jacy draws on all of these modalities to enhance TRE trainings. Her passion for TRE integrates her extensive education, life experiences, and work history to focus on empowering the individual’s growth in all aspects of life.

Jacy has taught numerous groups of students in the TRE certification process. She developed the first program within the VA system in Madison, WI, that certifies staff to teach TRE to veterans as an integral part of their therapy. Jacy uses her creativity and sense of humor to promote and teach TRE exercises, certify practitioners, and facilitate workshops for individuals and private organizations all over the US. Jacy also co-created a DVD that is required for certification.

